When a dream you’ve had is still present, but seems far away or like it’s not working revisit it. 

Redefine it.

What’s holding you back from the realisation of the dream?

What’s getting in the way?

What is not allowing you to jump into it with both feet, to enjoy it, to thrive in it?

Ask yourself these questions and then breathe.

Breathe deeply into your lungs, into your whole body, revive your energy, revive your faith.

Stand still for a moment. 

Let your energy calm down and relax.

You are on a mission to reset your energy, because you took yourself away from the dream.

It’s time to recharge and return to the high energy that brought this dream into being. 

The first step?

To realise where you went off track.

It is only in your moments of stillness,  that your inner voice will connect again. 

Only in that moment that will you receive the energy of the divine.

Only in that moment that you will be able to connect with the dream.

Thank yourself, be grateful and write the new dream into being. 

Write or rewrite. 

Adjust your old dream to your new reality.

You have evolved from the last time you connected to it, and the dream has evolved, so has the world, so have your desires, so has your inspiration.

Yes, dreams need to be readjusted all the time because they’re energetic, they change as both you and the world change.

And if you don’t allow it to grow and expand, you are freezing the dream in an old reality. 

The dream becomes something else, like a prejudiced idea of a dream. 

An old dream can feel like an old outfit you once really loved. 

You have great memories of it, but you don’t want to wear it, it doesn’t fit the times you are currently living in.

Don’t block your own process of a dream, of an idea, of an inspiration.

Let it live its own life. 

This is the reason you have to let it go, and often, so that you don’t imprison it within old energy.

The dream needs to live and flourish in your imagination. Meditate with your dream, let it come to you and show you the possibilities, the next inspiration. Let it not be a goal, but an ever-changing energetic process.

It is very exciting to have a dialogue with the potentiality of life, of your dreams, with the future.

Sometimes I feel nervous, not wanting to deviate from the amazing possibilities life can bring us. But this is fear. It is exciting to travel in time, both in and with creativity.

You can allow and offer yourself this gift of imagination. It holds power inside you. The more you spend time with your dreams in your imagination, in your meditation, the more the dream builds in energy. It becomes a reality in the ether, proving its possibility in your physical world.

Let your inner self travel in time and space into the potentiality of the dream. 

What you can dream, you can create. 

You can tap into the potentiality of your future. 

You can create it in your visualisation. 

You can tap into the emotions it bring up within you.

You can imagine, in detail, what you would like to create. 

It is fascinating how your faith will be nourished with future potentiality at the existence of your dream.  

All creativity lives in a world of magnetic laws. 

You will attract the right energies. 

You will be answered by the universe in perfection to what your energies require, right now, in this moment.  

The dream is defined inside yourself, not outside in the world.

You are the master of this creation. 

It will manifest in response to what and who you are, what and who you are becoming.

Work on yourself to transform your reality.