You are Nature

You are Nature

Why do we all go back to a sleeping pattern during the cold season and wake up during the Spring? Because we all belong to Mother Nature...

Spring Renewal II

Spring Renewal II

It is spring, the sun is shining, the wind is blowing and you are enjoying every-thing so much. You know you are going to jump into this exciting wave of new life, of new promises.

You are suddenly dedicated to change, in whatever manner it comes. You talk to the universe and you say “Bring it on, I am ready to shift in my life, I cannot wait for the newness coming into my life.” And that is such a feeling of joy, knowing you are going to transform and realise your dreams...

Spring Renewal I

Spring Renewal I

As the days lengthen, we absorb more light and more sun into our bodies. We feel an energy coming to wake us up from the winter sleep/hibernation...

Calling To Transformation

Calling To Transformation


It is funny the universe is calling me these days to transform again.

All signs are coming to me telling me there is another me in preparation. The shell needs to crack again. Oops. How ready am I?

Cracking Another Layer of Resistance

Cracking Another Layer of Resistance

I feel that this fragility in which I have been thrown into again is a new state of being, a new spiritual beingness… One step beyond in my work…

Life Is A Sensory Path

Life Is A Sensory Path

There is no doubt we all live in the same world of energies. We are all under the planets influence. We are living in a transformational energy whatsoever we think about life.

Holidays Create Energy Shifts

Holidays Create Energy Shifts

As we live our everyday life, we often accept the tension and stress in our lives which create blocks inside us. Blocks which lock out our clarity and most importantly our creativity and joy.

To go on holiday or go travelling and disconnect is often very beneficial because it puts everything into a different perspective. It often puts light on the areas that steal your energy away, things we often don’t realise are there, as we live in them…

Living Your Dream in the Energy of the New Year

Living Your Dream in the Energy of the New Year

Are you feeling the energy of this new year ? Did you ponder on what you want the new year to bring to your life ? Or rather did you think about how you want to transform yourself in order to attract the dream to you?? Are you creating space for yourself, for the energy of your dream?

How My Creativity Works

How My Creativity Works

Creativity has its own way. A way to communicate, a way to express, to thrive and to shut down when I don’t listen to its flow.

Very often in my life people comment on my creativity, on how many outlets I express myself. I can feel their amusement, their surprise and often their judgments….

Sacred Healing, Sacred Places

Sacred Healing, Sacred Places

I always travel to Arizona because I feel physically drawn to it, and have done for the past 20 years. This sacred land has a powerful impact on me and my spiritual journey. I have committed myself to be on this land as often as I feel drawn to it. This land is my spiritual retreat.

A Healing Moment in Phoenix, Arizona

A Healing Moment in Phoenix, Arizona

You don’t realise it until it hits you somewhere in the physical body or in your emotions. You feel just out of your own space, you feel somehow that you are not in control of your normal life. You are a bit overwhelmed with a strange feeling that you are not used to…

Life will show you the next Shift

Life will show you the next Shift

What happens when you live a small earthquake in your life? What happens when suddenly your world is trembling?

A little blog on stress…

A little blog on stress…

I met Jane when she checked me onto my flight to NY, after a day of struggling to get everything right… Our passports at the embassy, visas etc. with all kinds of blocks popping up impeding us to travel on time… You know the system… the usual things…  I did not realise how much stress the whole situation had put me under.
And then I heard “I am not taking stress anymore”...

How To Process A New Energy In You ?

How To Process A New Energy In You ?

I recently received some new energy in my energetic body.
It is different and it can be hard to bear. Sometimes I feel like I want to explode and sometimes I feel I want to run run run… Which is not my nature. It is weird.

So I decided to honour this new energy in me and try to feel it.
I close my eyes, I breathe and just feel what has changed...

Your Dreams...

Your Dreams...

Dreams come to us like waves of energies, like waves on the sand… They flow back into the recess, into the big ocean… Into the bigger image of life, into the void of our thoughts, of our consciousness…

Seeing With A Mothers Eyes

Seeing With A Mothers Eyes

I would like to think that one day all of us can feel what is to be a mother and feel this amazing love, like the love you can feel for your child; how you want to protect them, how much you want them to find their way in life and discover their expression of joy...

The Process

The Process

I feel things are shifting again in my life, and I love it but it takes from me some low energies to clear, and that is the part I am often procrastinating about..

Relationships Are Your Treasures

Relationships Are Your Treasures

There is absolutely no accident when you meet someone in your life. Even a person on a bus, with whom you just have eye contact as your looks cross. From this level of relationship to the level of sharing your life with your partner, everyone’s energy will have an impact on you as yours will on them...